Educational program “Computerized control systems and robotics”, educational level “bachelor”
Introductive course to the specialty “Automation and computer-integrated technologies”. Students study software environments that will help them in the learning process and basic principles in automation
Students learn to work at the elementary level with Arduino-type microcontrollers, programming environments for such controllers, and simulation environments for their operation. The basics of drawing and 3D modeling are also studied.
The course about the basics of robotics with industrial logic controllers The ability to justify the choice of a technical structure and develop application software for microprocessor control systems based on local automation tools and industrial logic controllers.
Operational calculation in the amount necessary for usage
of mathematical apparatus and methods in the field of automation.
Study of electronics and circuitry for solving tasks in the field of automation.
The theory of automatic control enables the analysis of various control objects, the development of approaches to the synthesis of regulators for these objects, and the structural-parametric synthesis of regulators of control objects.
The ability to synthesize linear and discrete control systems.
Students study the principles of operation of automation technical means and provide the ability to justify their choice based on the analysis of their properties, purpose and technical characteristics, considering the requirements for the automation system and operating conditions.
Students gain knowledge of the C++ language, the ability to create projects in the C++ language
The ability to apply knowledge of the basic principles and methods of measuring physical quantities and basic technological parameters is acquired. Understanding of the operation principles of technical means of automation and the ability to justify their choice.
Application of methods of system analysis, modeling.
Acquisition of knowledge about the principles of building mathematical models of physical and technological processes and systems. Ability to use mathematical programming methods to find optimal solutions and process planning.
The study of the microcontroller operation principle at the hardware level and development software for automated control systems based on microprocessor technology.
Ability to conduct structural and functional analysis and synthesis of mechatronics and robotics object management systems. Basic knowledge and practical skills in the field of informatics and work in computer networks.
Development of local industrial control systems based on software logic controllers. Implementation of the developed software on existing control objects.
Ability to design the automation systems, knowledge, content and rules for the design materials setting, the composition of design documentation and the sequence of design works execution, considering the requirements of relevant regulatory documents and international standards. Ability to design multi-level control and data collection systems to form a database of process parameters and their visualization using human-machine interface tools, using the latest computer-integrated technologies
Knowledge of the operation principle of automation technical means, namely executive mechanisms (electric drives) and the ability to justify their choice based on the analysis of their properties and properties of the object.
Educational program “Computerized control systems and robotics”, master’s degree
Ability to apply methods of automatic control theory for research, analysis and synthesis of automatic control systems; Ability to apply methods of system analysis, modeling, identification and numerical methods to develop mathematical and simulation models of individual elements and automation systems as a whole, to analyze the quality of their functioning using the latest computer technologies.
Mastering the theory and methodology of personal and collective work organization in the field of IT, research and analytical units
industry. Acquisition of competences in practical aspects of technical communications,
document circulation, intellectual property rights, and working with patents.
Ability to develop software and hardware for modern control systems based on microcontrollers. Solving complex problems in the implementation of control systems using several subsystems (blocks) implemented on the basis of microcontrollers.
Automation system design, cyber-physical production based on the use of intelligent management methods, databases and knowledge bases, digital and network technologies, robotic and intelligent mechatronic devices.
Skills in setting of technical means of automation and control systems. Ability to justify the choice of structure and develop application software for microprocessor control systems.
Ability to apply modern modeling and optimization approaches, as well as methods for research and creation of effective automation systems. Application of modern mathematical methods for research and creation of automation systems with complex technological and organizational and technical objects.