CATALOG OF ELECTIVE DISCIPLINES IN THE SPECIALTY (2nd YEAR, BAChelor’s Degree) for the academic year 2023-2024
Skills in using information and communication technologies. Ability to demonstrate a solid understanding of basic knowledge and practical skills in the field of computer science and modern information technologies, including programming skills for automation tasks.
Link to the syllabus:
Ability to use methods for building microprocessor control systems.
Understanding of trends in the development of microprocessor control systems.
Ability to evaluate the effectiveness of microprocessor control systems.
Understanding of the principles of building and implementing technical and software for microprocessor control systems.
Ability to apply methods of automatic control theory, systems analysis, and numerical methods to develop mathematical models of automated systems to analyze their performance using the latest computer technologies. Ability to build mathematical models and study control systems and their components.
Ability to apply modeling and optimization methods to study and create effective control systems for mechatronics and robotics objects.
Ability to use the theory of information to scientifically substantiate the approach to technical means of system engineering related to the receipt, processing, transmission and storage of information, its main indicators, coding methods, engineering calculations in the field of system engineering.
CATALOG OF ELECTIVE DISCIPLINES FOR THE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM (3.4 YEARS, BAChelor’s Degree) for the academic year 2023-2024
Ability to demonstrate knowledge of the state-of-the-art and latest technologies in the field of automation and computer-integrated technologies, in particular, design of multi-level control systems, data collection and archiving to form a database of process parameters and their visualization.
Skills in working with CNC systems, ability to develop drawings and 3D models for further manufacturing. Ability to develop control programs for 3D printers and CNC machines.
Ability to use the principles and methods of organizing the operation of modern microprocessor systems, diagnostics, testing, repair and restoration.
Ability to apply the methods of automatic control theory, system analysis and numerical methods to develop mathematical models of automated systems to analyze the quality of their functioning using the latest computer technologies. Ability to build mathematical models and study control systems and their elements. Ability to apply modeling and optimization methods to study and create effective control systems for mechatronics and robotics objects
Ability to develop programs for industrial PLCs in the LADDER language for the SIEMENS line of controllers, in particular, LOGO, Simatic S7 200-300, Simatic S7 1200.
Ability to build and configure computer networks using Ethernet technology. Ability to apply network protocols. Ability to debug and maintain software using network technologies and computer network tools.
Ability to use methods of developing automated control systems using SCADA software and hardware complexes;
Understanding of trends in the development of SCADA systems.
Knowledge of the principles of development and implementation of hardware and software of automated control systems based on standard blocks of SCADA systems
Ability to demonstrate fluency in basic knowledge and practical skills in the field of computer science and modern information technology, to have programming skills and work in computer networks. Ability to demonstrate knowledge and practical skills in programming and using applied and specialized computer-integrated environments to solve automation problems.
Skills in using CAD software for designing automation systems, in particular EPLAN Electric, Autodesk Autocad, Microsoft Visio.
Ability to apply specialized knowledge to create effective automation systems for complex technological facilities and complexes based on intelligent control methods and computer technologies using databases, knowledge bases and artificial intelligence methods. Ability to apply modern approaches and methods to the design and development of automation systems of various levels and purposes. Professional knowledge of special software tools for the following tasks
Ability to build communication channels for wired and wireless distributed control networks. Ability to use network protocols depending on the selected control system network. Ability to debug and maintain application software using network technologies and tools of distributed control networks
Link to the syllabus:
Ability to implement hardware and software of automated control systems based on the principles of SCADA systems development.
Knowledge of methods of automated design of SCADA systems
Link to the syllabus:
Ability to professionally use special software for the development of computer-integrated control systems and software and hardware systems based on industrial controllers, human-machine interface and industrial networks. Ability to reasonably select and design specialized software and hardware for automation systems of complex technological, organizational and technical facilities. Ability to apply modern approaches and methods to the design and development of automation systems of various levels and purposes. Proficient knowledge of special software tools for the following tasks
Link to the syllabus: