About the specialty



Why Automation?

The specialty “Automation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics” (“Automation and computer-integrated technologies”) is a modern Hi-Tech specialty, being a symbiosis of classical engineering education in the field of automation with in-depth study of computer information technologies and special software.

The training of specialists simultaneously combines different directions: automation of technological processes, designing programming of microcontrollers, including industrial ones, and robotics.

Modern world demands specialists in automation and control immensely, as only our graduates can solve complex tasks of automation, namely, create computer-integrated control systems, combining a technological process with a computer control system, which work without human intervention.

Compared to traditional IT specialties, the advantage of the specialty is the combination of software and hardware parts, writing software for real production processes. This enables graduates to successfully work as software and hardware developers for robotics, integrated and built-in systems, cars, smart houses, as well as to hold leading positions in automation and metrology departments, and fulfill themselves in the IT field as project managers, software QA engineers, system administrators, etc.

Students study profoundly the following:

  • automated management in technical and technological systems;
  • modern information technologies;
  • the latest programming and microprocessor technologies;
  • management theory methods;
  • computer systems and networks;
  • system analysis and design;
  • technical means of automation;
  • software tools of control systems;
  • computer modeling of processes and management systems;
  • information processing and protection methods.

The graduate of the specialty “Automation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics” (“Automation and computer-integrated technologies”) acquires such skills:

  • creation and support of the functioning of automated production process
    management systems based on modern microprocessors;
  • design and development of software, technical and information support for automated
    control systems;
  • management and design of modern technological computer systems and networks;
  • development of software and software-hardware complexes;
  • planning, optimization and intellectualization of production processes.


Graduates of the specialty “Automation, computer-integrated technologies and robotics” (“Automation and computer-integrated technologies”) successfully work in design and construction organizations, research institutions, computational centers, at industrial enterprises in various branches of production, at communication and transport enterprises, where automation and control systems are used, as well as in telecommunication systems and information technology services and in the field of software development and QA:

  • Part-programming engineer of ACS at any industrial enterprise;
  • ACS design engineer at any industrial enterprise;
  • Technician-programmer in the field of industrial automation;
  • Analyst of software complexes and computer-integrated systems;
  • Specialist in computerized control systems, automation and information processing;
  • Coordinator and manager of Hi-Tech, IT and IIoT projects;
  • Researcher in research organizations;
  • Programmer, network administrator in computer centers.


What is the relevance of the speciality?

In today’s world, where technologies are developing at an incredible pace, the speciality ‘Micro- and nanosystems engineering’ is gaining in popularity and importance. The application of micro- and nanotechnologies is spreading in many industries, from electronics and medicine to agriculture and energy. Future specialists in this field will play a key role in the development of the latest technologies that will affect all aspects of our lives.

Studying under the 176 programme gives you the opportunity to participate in interesting research and development, to be part of a team that creates innovative products and solutions. This includes working with state-of-the-art equipment and technologies, as well as the opportunity to collaborate with leading scientific institutions and companies.

What is studied:

The curriculum of the 176 study programme includes the study of the fundamentals of physics, chemistry and materials science, as well as specialised courses such as:

  • Microelectronics and nanophotonics
  • Technologies for the production of micro- and nanosystems
  • Design and modelling of micro- and nanoelectronic devices
  • Biomedical applications of nanotechnology
  • Research methods for nanomaterials

Students also gain practical skills in working with modern laboratory equipment and software for modelling and analysing micro- and nanostructures.

Future employment

Graduates of Micro- and Nanosystems Engineering have a wide range of career opportunities. They can work in:

  • Research institutions
  • High-tech companies producing electronics and microcircuits
  • Medical centres and biotechnology companies
  • Energy companies engaged in the development of new materials and technologies
  • Educational institutions, engaged in research and teaching activities