International Cooperation

AIUT Sp. z o.o. is a private Polish company specializing in automation, robotics, and telemetry. The company’s main goal is to increase production efficiency and quality by creating new technologies and modernizing existing production lines. Highly skilled and experienced employees work in the areas of automation, electronics, electrical engineering, information technology, mechanics, and robotics. The company’s commitment, perseverance, and confidence in constant development make it one of the market leaders. AIUT’s advanced information technologies (control of automatic lines and information collection systems) allow it to implement its developments around the world.

An agreement on cooperation and the organization of internships for students studying Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies was concluded on an ongoing basis between Sumy State University and AIUT Sp. z o.o.

AIUT has found like-minded people among our students to expand its business interests and promote its software-intellectual products on the market in the future.

During their internship at AIUT, students not only learn new computer software tools but also practice programming and setting up microprocessor devices, control robots and conveyor lines. Employment of graduates by AIUT is already becoming a systematic trend.


Academic mobility of employees

  • Borysiuk V.M. – Academic mobility in the form of a scientific internship ‘Study of the properties of nanomaterials by molecular dynamics’, Technical University of Berlin, Germany. Berlin, Germany, 01.12.2023 – 31.07.2024.
  • Pohrebniak O.D. – Academic mobility in the form of scientific research within the project ‘Investigation of the structure, oxidation resistance and tribomechanical properties of nanocomposite multilayer coatings based on transition element nitrides’, Institute of Materials Science, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 28.01.2023 – 01.07.2023.
  • Borysiuk V.M. – Academic mobility in the form of a scientific internship ‘Mechanics of adhesive contacts with elastomers’, Technical University of Berlin, Germany. Berlin, Germany, 04.10.2022 – 31.07.2023.
  • Pogrebnyak O.D. – Academic mobility in the form of teaching, lecture course (30 hours) ‘Protective multilayer coatings for improving performance properties’, Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland, 10.07.2022 – 11.10.2022.
  • Pogrebnyak O.D. – Academic mobility in the form of scientific research ‘Investigation of the structure and properties of multilayer coatings based on (TiAlY)Cr/N, TiAlY/N/TiAlY’, Lublin University of Technology, Lublin, Poland, 10.07.2022 – 11.10.2022.
    Borysiuk V.M. – Academic mobility in the form of a scientific internship ‘Mechanics of adhesive contacts with elastomers’, Technical University of Berlin. Berlin, Germany, 04.10.2022 – 31.07.2023.
  • Kosminska Y.O. – Academic mobility in the form of scientific research ‘Self-organisation of Au clusters on sputtered Pt and polyaniline’, University of Freiburg, Freiburg u Breisgau, Germany, 30.04.2022 – 01.11.2022.
  • Pogrebnyak O.D. – Academic mobility in the form of teaching, lecturing and consulting, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan, 01.11.2021-20.11.2021.

Participation in international projects

  • Pogrebnyak O.D. – Leader of the Ukrainian-Chinese research project ‘Multilayer nitride coatings (TiNbMoTaW)N/WS2 on high-entropy alloy’, 24.05.2022-31.12.2023.
  • Pogrebnyak O.D. – Leader of the Ukrainian-Slovak project ‘Influence of stoichiometry and shear stress on the microstructure and tribomechanical properties of WN/TiSiN nanolayer coatings with different bilayer thicknesses’, 23.05.2022-31.12.2023.
  • Kravchenko Y.O. – Individual grant within the framework of the National Research Centre project OPUS 2020/37/B/ST5/00576 ‘Adjustable multilayer hyperbolic biosensors based on metamaterials for the detection of cancer biomarkers’ for a scientific internship at the NanoBioMedical Centre at the Adam Mickiewicz University, 01.11.2022-01.11.2023.
  • O. Yushchenko – Participation in the summer school ‘Magnetism, Interactions and Complexity’, Adam Mickiewicz University and the National Science Centre, Poznan, Poland, 24-28 July 2023.

Involvement of foreign specialists in teaching

  • Yurii Gogotsi is a Doctor of Engineering, Director of the Institute of Nanomaterials at Drexel University, USA. He has been working as a professor of the department since 2022 to the present (as of 16.02.2024, according to the Scopus h-index 208 database, the number of citations is more than 200 thousand).
  • Valentyn Novosad – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Principal Research Scientist at Argonne National Laboratory, USA, – 2017-2021.
  • Iindrich Musil – Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic, 2017-2021.
  • Victor Shontia – PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of the Department of Microelectronics and Biomedical Engineering, Technical University of Moldova, 2019-2022.