Leliukh Oleksandr Mykolayovych

Birthday: 24th of December 1999
Position: Teaching assistant
Academic degree, scientific title: Master's degree in Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies
Contacts: [email protected]
LinkdIn: -

Education and career

Master’s degree in Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies

Scientific and practical experience

Scientific interests: Modernization and creation of modern complexes of unmanned aerial and ground drones.
Scientific and practical experience: Creation of industrial systems for natural gas drying, development of systems such as a barometer for throttling, granulator, interactive targets, remote detonator, arc melting metal system, designing and creating electric traction-based means of transportation. Participation in the creation of a radial printer for printing with concrete, and more.

Teaching experience

Nonlinear, digital, and multidimensional systems, Microprocessor devices and systems, Control and measurement in technological systems.